Nationals and the Presidential Inauguration

Posted by Cheryl Nichols | Tuesday, January 20, 2009 | 0 comments »

Millions of people were in Wasington, DC watching the Presidential Inauguration today and many millions more watching on TV.

Mark Lerner traveled to Washington to attend the Presidential Inauguration in person.

Kristen from Nationals Buzz pointed out that the Nationals Racing President Abe welcomed President Obama to Washington today during the parade on the Illinois state float.

Most of the Nationals were out-of-town, however, former Nat Marlon Anderson and his wife made the trip back to DC on Monday and was on The National Mall in front of a jumbotron to watch Obama take the Oath of Office.

The Massachusetts Democratic Inaugural Presidential Party was held at Nationals Park on Sunday, January 18, 2009. Some were able to take in batting practice. Kenny attended the event and gave his account of the party and gave Nationals Park five stars for wheelchair accessibility.

We all know that President Obama is a big Chicago White Sox fan and will most likely throw out the first pitch on Opening Day in Chicago, despite reports it "may not happen." The White Sox host the Kansas City Royals as their home opener on Monday, April 6th.

Hopefully, Obama will also throw out the first pitch at the Nationals home opener against the World Series Champion Philadelphia Phillies on Monday, April 13th to continue the tradition of the sitting President throwing out the first pitch at Nationals games.