Posted by Cheryl Nichols
ESPN Zone’s second annual Battle of the Birds!
The Orioles and Nationals begin their "Battle of the Beltways" series this weekend with a competition between the teams’ mascots to see which bird is best!
Screech will challenge the Oriole Bird in a series of contests – including arm wrestling, shooting hoops, and more – with hopes of winning bragging rights and the Golden Birdhouse trophy. Both birds will also sign autographs and pose for pictures with fans.
The Orioles Bird is the reigning champion, however, Screech has "grown up" since the last battle so it should be more of an even matchup this time around.
WHO: The mascots from the Washington Nationals and Baltimore Orioles
WHAT: Battle of the Birds at ESPN Zone
WHEN: Friday, May 22, 2009, 4-5 p.m.
WHEN: Friday, May 22, 2009, 4-5 p.m.
Here are photos from the first ever Battle of Birds in Baltmore last season.

Photo courtesy of ESPNZone.
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